descriptionA Conway's Game of Life for the PlayDate
last changeMon, 31 Jul 2023 16:10:05 +0000 (11:10 -0500)
2023-07-31 JCMake generation no longer a pure function master
2023-07-31 JCUpdate pdxinfo, Makefile dependencies
2023-07-31 JCIncrease universe size
2023-07-31 JCAdd ability to control generation rate via crank
2023-07-31 JCAdd support for edges of universe
2023-07-31 JCDouble cell count, make cell size const
2023-07-31 JCAdd B3/S23 rules
2023-07-31 JCAllow swapping between running and editing
2023-07-31 JCAdd function to calculate next generation
2023-07-31 JCRefactor draw logic for use in running mode
2023-07-31 JCRename rects to cells
2023-07-31 JCAllow pressing "B" to begin running automata
2023-07-31 JCAllow toggling liveness of cells
2023-07-31 JCEncode height/width in constants
2023-07-31 JCActually allow selecting grid rectangle now
2023-07-31 JCAllow "selecting" a cell, and draw it as filled in
9 months ago master