use dbus::arg; use dbus::blocking::stdintf::org_freedesktop_dbus::PropertiesPropertiesChanged; use dbus::blocking::Connection; use dbus::message::Message; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::process::Command; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; // Custom signal type impl // Mostly copied from library examples #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ComJacobCasperMailUnreadCount { pub count: u32, } impl arg::AppendAll for ComJacobCasperMailUnreadCount { fn append(&self, iter: &mut arg::IterAppend) { arg::RefArg::append(&self.count, iter); } } impl arg::ReadAll for ComJacobCasperMailUnreadCount { fn read(iter: &mut arg::Iter) -> Result { Ok(ComJacobCasperMailUnreadCount { count:, }) } } impl dbus::message::SignalArgs for ComJacobCasperMailUnreadCount { const NAME: &'static str = "UnreadCount"; const INTERFACE: &'static str = "com.jacobcasper.Mail"; } fn get_local_time_string() -> std::string::String { use chrono::prelude::*; let local_time = chrono::prelude::Local::now(); return format!( "{}-{}-{:02} {}:{:02}", local_time.year(), local_time.month(),, local_time.hour(), local_time.minute(), ); } fn update_map(arc_map: Arc>>, key: &str, val: &str) { let clone_arc = arc_map.clone(); let mut map = clone_arc.lock().unwrap(); map.insert(String::from(key), String::from(val)); let _ = Command::new("xsetroot") .arg("-name") .arg(format!( "[{playback_status} {title} - {artist}] | ✉ {unread_count} | {date_time}", playback_status = map.get("playback_status").unwrap_or(&String::from("🔈")), title = map.get("title").unwrap_or(&String::from("")), artist = map.get("artist").unwrap_or(&String::from("")), unread_count = map.get("unread_count").unwrap_or(&String::from("?")), date_time = map.get("date_time").unwrap_or(&get_local_time_string()), )) .spawn(); } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let arc_locked_xset_map = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())); let conn = Connection::new_session()?; let mail_proxy = conn.with_proxy( "com.jacobcasper.Mail", "/com/jacobcasper/Mail/Unread", Duration::from_millis(5000), ); let mail_match_map = arc_locked_xset_map.clone(); let _ = mail_proxy.match_signal( move |m: ComJacobCasperMailUnreadCount, _: &Connection, _: &Message| { update_map( mail_match_map.clone(), "unread_count", m.count.to_string().as_str(), ); true }, ); let spotify_proxy = conn.with_proxy( "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify", "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2", Duration::from_millis(5000), ); let spotify_match_map = arc_locked_xset_map.clone(); let _ = spotify_proxy.match_signal( move |pc: PropertiesPropertiesChanged, _: &Connection, _: &Message| { match pc.changed_properties.get("Metadata") { Some(variant) => { variant.0.as_iter().and_then(|mut iter| { // Iterating over a RefArg goes key, value, key, value... Insane honestly. while let Some(key) = { let key_str = key.as_str()?; let value =; match key_str { "xesam:artist" => { // Variant holding a variant that should just be a Vec<&str> I // believe. This is _the recommended_ way to do this by the author. let inner_value = value?.as_iter()?.next()?.as_iter()?.next()?; let artist = inner_value.as_str()?; update_map(spotify_match_map.clone(), "artist", artist); } "xesam:title" => { let title = value?.as_iter()?.next()?.as_str()?; update_map(spotify_match_map.clone(), "title", title); } _ => (), } } Some(()) }); } None => (), } match &pc.changed_properties.get("PlaybackStatus") { Some(variant) => { let playback_status = &variant.0; update_map( spotify_match_map.clone(), "playback_status", match &*playback_status.as_str().unwrap_or("") { "Playing" => "🔊", _ => "🔈", }, ); } None => (), } true }, ); let date_time_map = arc_locked_xset_map.clone(); let _ = thread::spawn(move || -> Result<(), std::time::SystemTimeError> { let mut last_run_at = std::time::SystemTime::now(); loop { let sys_time = std::time::SystemTime::now(); let elapsed_time = sys_time.duration_since(last_run_at)?; if elapsed_time.as_secs() > 60 { last_run_at = sys_time; update_map( date_time_map.clone(), "date_time", get_local_time_string().as_str(), ); } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5000)); } }); loop { conn.process(Duration::from_millis(1000))?; } }